Online Pay Stubs Vs Excel Sheets
By Davis Clarkson , September 25 2019

Payroll is a major part of running a business. Without it, you couldn’t pay employees to keep your business running. Whether you have two employees or two hundred, payroll without online paystub generators can be time-consuming, inaccurate, and expensive. We’ll take a look at how online pay stub generators are better than excel sheets in helping you manage your payroll.
What Is An Online Pay Stub Generator
A pay stub is the record of a cashed payroll check. A pay stub can show proof of income when needed and it will also help keep track of salary information such as taxes paid, social security, overtime, and vacation time. When it comes to calculating wages, overtime, and vacation, for example, an Excel pay stub template is often used.
A generator can save a ton of time by keeping track of everything automatically. These can also help self-employed people keep track of their earnings and show proof of income when needed for home purchases, renting apartments or cars.
It's More Accurate Than Online Excel Sheets
Excel is an amazing product built for thousands of different purposes. When you use it for payroll or pay stub generation however, there is always room for human error. With online pay stub generators, you can include all the information you need and they can hold an accurate ledger. They are transparent and no information can be deleted or miscalculated.
It's Faster Than Using An Excel Template
Online pay stub generators are huge time savers. The program automatically can put in basic information so you don’t need to enter it every time. The generator can save a ton of time by streamlining the pay stub process. It can keep your ledger and also keep track of time and it will automatically populate everything you need.
They Are Cheaper Than Outsourcing
When you outsource your pay stubs, ledgers or payroll, you spend a lot of money on a professional you can trust. With online pay stub generators, you can eliminate the middleman. Without the need for a third party person to do this process for you, you’ll see major cost savings.
It Will Look More Professional Than An Excel Template
Using software will look a lot more professional than using an excel template. You can customize the look, and automatically save different fields while getting the professional look you need. With these programs, even your ledgers and files will look professional. Paystubs has everything you need to make your document look polished.
The Pros
Online pay stub generators don’t have many cons when it comes to using them over excel. You’ll have a more streamlined and professional-looking process that will save you time and money. Without needing to hire a professional, you’ll be able to save that money and put it back into your business. You’ll also save a ton of time not using excel.
You’ll also be able to automatically populate fields and keep track of payroll information. With proper pay stubs you can show proof of income, salary information, hours worked, proof of address and more. Save time and money by upgrading from excel. Give it a go! Create your paystub today with the check stub maker.
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