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W2 Form Deadline: 31st January 2025

The W2 form deadline is January 31, 2025, so it's important to act fast. Filing on time helps you stay compliant with IRS rules and avoid unnecessary penalties from the SSA. Penalties range from $60 to $660 per form, depending on the delay and business size. Generate accurate W2 forms online in minutes to stay prepared and stress-free before the deadline. Don’t wait. Get started today! 

Save Time With Our W2 Maker!

Tax season doesn’t have to be stressful. Skip the hassle of manual wage calculations. Use our service online and have your forms ready in a couple of minutes.

Need assistance? Our support team is always ready to help!

Why Use The W2 Generator?

Our W2 Form Generator allows you to create your form in minutes and have it emailed, downloaded, or printed. It’s super simple. All you need to do is fill in the required information correctly, including company and employee information as well as wage details. We will generate your W2 pdf file error-free and ready for you to file.

a bearded bald man sitting on a couch creating a w2 form

How Does It Work?

  • Enter Info

    Enter Information such as company name, and salary details.

  • Preview

    Preview your W2 Form

  • Download

    Download and print your W2 instantly.


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Everything You Need To Know

What Is A W2 Form?

Do you know much about your form W2? How about a W2 online? Let’s discuss this form further, what it means to receive a w2 online or a hardcopy form. Every year during the month of January, you receive an envelope in your mail from your employer. Some of you rush to open it, examine it, and send it to your tax professional.

Others, well, we’ve seen cases where tax professionals receive W2 forms that are not even checked let alone opened. So you see, it’s really not all that uncommon to find individuals at a loss when it comes to their tax form or their W2 online. Read on further to explore and get a better understanding of the form W2.

a blank template of w2 form

A form W2 Or a W2 Online is usually issued by your employer. It is one of the most important tax documents and you should be very aware of its details, figures, boxes, and significance. A form w2 displays the amount of taxes taken out from your paycheck for the entire set year and is sent out to you once at the beginning of a new year so you can file your tax return. Your employer is responsible to ensure that certain withholding, insurance and reporting requirements are mentioned clearly.

A form w2 or form W2 Online is also known as the informational return. A term coined by the IRS since this document contains sensitive information about your earnings and taxes paid and must be sent out to several concerned parties. Every year your employer must send out a copy of your w2 form or w2 online to:

a government building The federal government
a state of a country The state (which you work in)
a woman holding a box The employee

What Is A W2 Generator?

Employers or small business owners sending out the employee W2 form must pick out the exact mailing address and the carrier of choice. You could opt for either the USPS or a private carrier such as UPS or FedEx. You can also save yourself the hassle of possible lost mail and create a W2 online using a W2 generator and simply email the concerned parties.

A W2 generator is a tool that provides you with the comfort and ease of creating a W2 form on your own in case you never receive one from your employer for some reasons. The time it takes to produce a W2 from with a W2 generator would be of little significance. You’ll be done with it before you know it. With our W2 generator, you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you have done your due diligence as a citizen.

Your form W2, unlike your paystubs does not include hours worked or your position or any of those information. It simply focuses on the dollar amounts taken or sent out. In short your form W2 or W2 online revolves around the dollar sign. If you make any amount greater than or equal to $600, then your employer is legally required to issue a form W2. Anything less than that, is debatable. However, if you have any taxes withheld such as Social Security or Medicare expenses, then a form W2 must be issued regardless of any dollar amount.

Why Do I Need A W2 Form?

A W2 form or W2 online is crucial for your tax preparation. Remember that the earlier you organize your tax documents and file them, the earlier you will receive your tax refund. If for any reason you have not received your W2 form on W2 online from your employer by the set time then there’s no need to worry, you’ve got options.

You can create W2 online using a W2 maker or a W2 creator that helps you fill in the information needed and get your copies. This could be a temporary option till you locate your W2 or the convenient option for you. Use W2 creator today and enjoy all the benefits of doing everything online from your living room!

What Is On A W2 Form?

Let’s dive in and examine the W2 form up close. What is in a W2 form or W2 online that makes it so important? You must be wondering about all those boxes and numbers. Let’s break it down for you. The information included in your W2 form covers some of the below

a notepad

Your Social Security number

a pen on top of a paper

Your employer details: information such as company name, address, contact details and not to forget the employer ID

a man next to a money bag

Your Income: Any salary, wages, tips, or compensation (Any dollar amounts that went in to your account)

a city hall

Federal tax: This tax applies to everyone but the rate is set up in a marginal tax bracket method that depends on your income figures

two hands holding a shield

Social Security Tax: This is crucial to pay for disability, retirement and other benefits that Americans receive each year.

a love sign

Medicare taxes withheld: This is a payroll tax that supports health coverage and applies to anyone that receives an income.

a woman next to a gift and a dollar sign

Your dependent care benefits: Shows the total amount that your employer paid straight to you or incurred on your behalf in regards to child or other dependent care expenses.

This should give you a glimpse into your W2 online form. Make it a habit to open up your W2 form when you receive it and carefully go through each section. This way you can ensure and verify that all the information, income dollars mentioned, taxes and deductions are all correct and you were not taken advantage of.

If you feel confused at any time, don’t be ashamed, it’s quite normal to seek out guidance from a tax professional service and spare yourself the headache. Alternatively you can also always check out our w2 maker tool here on this website.

How Do I Get My W2 Online?

Getting a W2 online is not as hard as it sounds. Using platforms such as a W2 creator or a W2 maker allows you to create W2 online easily though still sticking to the rules and laws of the state. Within minutes, you will be able to fill in the required information, preview your document and either send or print it and be on your way. No more wasted time, secure your W2 online today.

Tax filing is right around the corner but for some reason you do not have all your documents organized and in order. In the event that you did not receive your W2, whether it was lost in mail, as is common nowadays or maybe you misplaced it, there’s a solution to tax filing. Here’s the scoop.

You can create W2 online and calculate your wages using your paystub! Let’s dive deeper and see how that can be achieved.

Bring out your latest pay stub and lay it out in front of you. Now get your calculator out and let’s do some basic mathematics. You can also use a tax calculator to simplify things further. Add together all of your non taxable income and deductions. Now calculate your taxes and add those together. After you’ve got those 2 figures, subtract the totals from your gross income.

If your calculations are correct then the amount should equal your net income. If not, then try redoing your calculations. You must have made a mistake somewhere.

If you are still confused on how to go about calculating your wages, look no further. Let’s do some paystubs calculations together so you can fill in your form W2 online as accurately as possible.

Is A W2 Form The Same As A W4 Form?

A W2 form and a W4 form are often used interchangeably or in the same sentence. Just because the form begins with a ‘W’ doesn’t mean it’s interchangeable. A W4 and a W2 could not be any different. Let’s break down what a W4 is now that you know what a W2 entails.

Remember this line to avoid confusion in the future. A W2 form is what employers usually fill out and send to employees while a W4 form is filled out by employees at the start of their employment and given to their employers or human resources.

Every year, the IRS issues a new form W 4. So much can happen to you or change in a year that it’s important to review your form and think about what you need to fill in or edit. A W4 form determines how much should be taken out of your paycheck for federal income tax purposes.

Here are some of the things you need to include in your W4 form.

Step 2 through to 4 are not mandatory if they do not apply to the employee filling it in..

a check mark on a piece of paper

Personal information: This is where you fill out your full name, address, city and state in which you reside in, as well as your marital status.

a man with five thought bubbles

Multiple Jobs or Spouse Works: This section is where you fill in whether you are married, filing jointly or separately and if either one of you has a second job or side income.

a baby stroller

Claim Dependents: Here is where you claim your dependents whether it is your spouse, children or even any elderly family under your care. Keep in mind that if you are married but filing separately or single with dependents, certain rules apply. Single taxpayers with a total income of $200,000 or less are eligible to claim the child tax credit.

stacked documents

Other Adjustments: This could be any deductions such as mortgages, or even charitable contributions. The greater the deduction amount tallied, the more likely you are to reduce the amount of taxes you owe.

a signature on a piece of paper

Signature: Having your employer’s signature on this form is crucial else it is deemed invalid. That’s something you surely do not want happening to you.

After understanding your W4 form a bit more, you now understand that anything can happen in a year. Especially if that year is 2020... It is always recommended that you fill out a new W4 form each year and carefully examine every area of your life. This can help determine how big your tax return will be when the time comes.

What Do I Do If I Received More Than One W2 Form?

So you’ve received more than one form W2 online or offline. What does that mean? Well you probably have more than one job. The more income sources you have the more attention you need to pay to your tax returns.

This creates a lot of confusion but don’t worry we’re here for you. Let’s get to the bottom of it and find out how you can file your return when you are working two or even more jobs. Let’s just take a moment to appreciate you, your dedication and your hard work first.

While you are working hard to earn those dollars, you must also keep track of them. If your employers do not provide you with a pay stub check out these paystub templates that you can create for yourself to keep track of your income sources.

First off, every employer that you work for needs to send you a W2 form or W2 online. By law, you are required to add them to your tax return file and send them out. Before you do, always go through your multiple w2 forms to verify that the information on them is accurate and you are not being taken advantage of by any of your employers or side gigs.

By having multiple W2 forms, you need to ensure that you are not overpaying in Social Security tax. If in the previous year, you made a total of $128,400 then you need not pay your SSN tax although if you’ve exceeded the amount of $8,239.80 from all your jobs combined, then you may qualify for an adjustment. Find out more about how to file multiple W2 forms and remain compliant to avoid issues with the IRS or even being audited.

What Do I Do If I Lost My W2 Form?

It’s not uncommon for individuals to misplace their W2 form especially when they do not understand its importance in the tax filing hierarchy. If you have not located your W2 by mid February, here’s what you can do;

Contact your employer:

This is a tricky one especially if you no longer work for the company in question. Contact your current or previous employer and ask them to re-send you your W2 form. Make sure they’ve received your message and have the correct address details so your W2 form does not get lost in the mail.

two conversation bubbles

Contact the IRS:

If option one doesn’t seem fruitful, try option two. Contact the IRS at 800-829-1040 after February 23. The IRS can help contact your employer on your behalf with a strong worded letter and their governmental authority. Just make sure you provide them with the necessary information they need to proceed with this. They will need your details, name, address and contact details as well as your SSN. They will ask you for your employer’s information and contact details. Make sure to also mention your employment details such as your work dates, your wages and an estimate of your federal income tax. Keep in mind that some of these figures could be sourced from a previous paystub form.

two telephones ringing

Use a substitute:

If step two does not work and you still have no form W2, you will need to step it up a notch. You have the option of filing your return using form 4852 from the IRS website instead of your missing form W2 or wage statement. Keep in mind that using this substitute form could slightly delay your tax return only until the IRS verifies the information that you sent across.

a cube next to a triangle and a circle

Create W2 Online:

Filing your taxes on time is important in order to receive your tax return on time and to avoid certain penalties. You can easily create w2 online by making use of the legitimate w2 maker or w2 creator. You can carefully calculate, fill out the form and send your W2 online to avoid a paper trail and the hassle of losing your tax form.

a computer mouse
Filing For An Extension

In the event that you need to file for an extension to file your taxes, here’s what you can do;
File in your form 4868 from the IRS website and file it electronically. You also have the option of filing a paper or hardcopy form of 4868 and attach a payment to it, -an estimate of your taxes due. It’s surely a convenient and safe option.

Filing your form electronically will allow you to receive a confirmation online. This form grants you a six month extension. Isn’t that some good tax news. You can use your time wisely to get organized and get your documents in order.

If you receive your W2 form after you filed any of the above options and the numbers just don’t match, don’t worry. You can file form 1040x. This is the amended individual tax return form found on the IRS website as well.

What Are The Penalties Associated With W2 Form?

Filing incorrect forms willfully or otherwise, filing late or filing incomplete tax returns, these scenarios can all get you in trouble with the IRS and face some penalties for both individuals as well as employers. Let’s explore some of the penalties that you might face.

For Individuals:

The IRS strongly advises individuals to send out accurate and correct information on their tax documents. Filing on time is essential to being tax compliant. Sadly, there is no actual maximum cap in terms of dollar penalties when failure to comply is intentional.

The good news is that the IRS may not impose penalties on you if your failure to file correct information was due to a reasonable and significant cause and not mere negligence. You may also contest your penalty. There are instances where the IRS might ask for a penalty in advance wherein you get a refund later if your penalty was removed lawfully in court.

a man wearing a tie

For Employers:

Employers are required by law to send out correct and accurate W2 form to their employees. Failure to comply with this requirement and send out an incorrect form that was caught by the IRS could cost you $500 for one form...that is if they are not brought to court by an employee. Things could get ugly there and the fines would accumulate.

If you as an employer fail to file W2 form on time and are 30 days late, penalties could reach up to $536,000 per annum. If you file around August you could reach fines up to $1,609,000. While failure to file W2 forms even as late as the month of August raises up your fine to $260 per W2 form with a fine reaching up to $1,072,500.

four men agreeing to something

Those are some insane numbers and can turn your business upside down. This is a brief of what happens when there is a failure to comply with governmental rules and regulations.

Small businesses however get slightly lower penalties. Not every business can come off as a small business. They must prove that they are small by providing receipts to demonstrate that their gross receipts are $5 million or less for the past 3 tax years.

You can avoid all of these issues by setting a reminder on your phone or laptops to prepare tax documents ahead of time. You can create w2 online, check and re-check them for accuracy while saving them for later usage. Using a W2 maker helps you keep your business intact, avoid a ton of penalties and wasted dollars. In a matter of minutes you can type in, calculate and verify employee information.

A W2 generator is the best option that could save you from bankruptcy and unnecessary court dates. Remember to try out our W2 creator online today and read this in order to use W2 creator correctly during tax season. Check out our paystubs creation services as well. You surely won’t be disappointed.

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