Create Your Stub

Create Your Stub

Instant Mobile Pay Stub Maker Ready in only 2 Minutes!

Purchase Reason

Add Who are you creating this document for?
Add What is the reason you are creating this document?

Company Information

Add Company Name
Please enter the Company's name
Add Company Address
Please fill out the address
Add Apt/Ste No.
Add City
City is required
Add State
Add Zip Code
Zip Code is required

 Optional Company Information

(Logo, Phone Number, EIN/SSN)
Add Company Phone Number
Company Phone Number is required
Your phone number is kept confidential and we never share it with any third party organizations.
Add Ext. No.
Add Company EIN
Company EIN is required

Employee Information

What is this employees status?
Add Employee Full Name
Employee Full Name is required
Add Employee SSN (Last 4 digits)
This social security number is invalid. Please fill at least the last 4 digits of the SSN.
All personal information is kept private and we never share it with any third party organizations.
Using a W4 from 2020 or beyond
Working multiple jobs?
Add Dependent Total
Add Other Income Amount
Add Deduction Amount
Add Number of Federal Allowances


Is this person working from home?

By choosing this option, the paystub taxes will be calculated based on the employee's address
Employee is working from home
Add Employee Address
Please fill out the address
Add Apt/Ste No.
Add City
City is required
Add State
Add Zip Code
Zip Code is required

 Optional Employee Information

(ID, Federal Filing Status, State Filing Status)
Add Employee ID
Add Federal Filing Status
Add State Total Allowances

Salary Information

How is this employee paid?
Add How often is this employee paid?
Add Hourly Rate
Hourly Rate is required
Add Annual Salary
Annual Salary is required
Add employee hire date?
Add Employee Hire Date
Show Hourly Rate On Pay Stub
Add Hours Worked Per Period
Hours Worked Per Period is required
Pay Dates Needed
Pay Dates will be added backwards consecutively based upon the Pay Date frequency from the “how often the employee is paid” field above. (Ex: if Bi-Weekly payment is chosen, each new Pay Date added will date 2 weeks backwards)
Show Advanced Pay Date Fields
Add Employee Pay Date
Add Hrs Worked
Hours Worked is required
Add Pay Period Start Date
Add Pay Period End Date
Add Number of Previous Pay Dates this year
Add Sum of all previous regular wages this year
Add Check Number
This field is required
Add Additions, Benefits or Deductions
Delete Pay Date
Add Employee Pay Date
Add Hrs Worked
Hours Worked is required
Add Pay Period Start Date
Add Pay Period End Date
Add Number of Previous Pay Dates this year
Add Sum of all previous regular wages this year
Add Check Number
This field is required
Add Additions, Benefits or Deductions
Delete Pay Date
Add Employee Pay Date
Add Hrs Worked
Hours Worked is required
Add Pay Period Start Date
Add Pay Period End Date
Add Number of Previous Pay Dates this year
Add Sum of all previous regular wages this year
Add Check Number
This field is required
Add Additions, Benefits or Deductions
Delete Pay Date
Add Previous Pay Date
Special Tax Exemptions (Optional)Is the employee exempt from any taxes?
Add Special Tax Exemptions
Add Direct Deposit (Recommended)
With this selection, a detachable deposit slip enumerating the net pay and check number of the employee/contractor is attached at the paystub's tail end for archival purposes

direct deposit

Add Deposit Slip
Add Account Number
Add Routing Number
Add Bank Name
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Use this template
pay stub vertical template grey
Pay Stub Vertical Grey Template
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pay stub vertical colorful template
Pay Stub Vertical Colorful Template
Use this template
long green pay stub template
Pay Stub Long Green Template
Use this template
long blue pay stub template
Pay Stub Long Blue Template
Use this template
horizontal green pay stub template
Pay Stub Horizontal Green Template
Use this template
horizontal blue pay stub template
Pay Stub Horizontal Blue Template
Use this template
long black pay stub template
Pay Stub Horizontal Black Template
Note: All watermarks and background images will be removed from your final document
(Pinch to zoom in)  
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Use this template
pay stub vertical template grey
Pay Stub Vertical Grey Template
Use this template
pay stub vertical colorful template
Pay Stub Vertical Colorful Template
Use this template
long green pay stub template
Pay Stub Long Green Template
Use this template
long blue pay stub template
Pay Stub Long Blue Template
Use this template
horizontal green pay stub template
Pay Stub Horizontal Green Template
Use this template
horizontal blue pay stub template
Pay Stub Horizontal Blue Template
Use this template
long black pay stub template
Pay Stub Horizontal Black Template
Position & Crop Logo

Tip: Position cropping borders as close to company logo dimensions as possible


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